The Sound of Music @ the local high school


It was great fun to watch The Sound of Music at Pioneer High School in Woodland yesterday afternoon. I was impressed by the theater! They have a proper box office and an orchestra pit – the whole space is quite professional.

The diversity in the cast of the Von Trapp children was uplifting & the quality of singing from these young people filled me with lots of hope.

Local / small scale theater and art and music is an important part of my existence.


5 comments on “The Sound of Music @ the local high school”

    1. And we knew one of the actresses which was just such fun- she had two parts; a nun and a Nazi– pretty paradoxical! She said at some points she had her Nazi outfit on beneath her nun habit –

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  1. Well, it just so happens that this was the one high school production I participated in. I guess nuns are thick on the ground, for I was one, too. The tallest ever nun. When the music teacher saw me walk onto the stage with a habit far too short exposing my bobby sox and tennis shoes, she reacted vociferously.

    I think it’s great you went to see it, Borkali. Way to show support!

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