Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein

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Naomi Klein, scholar and prominent climate activist, published a new book, Doppelganger; I highly recommend it. It is the story of her journey into the “mirror world,” a world akin to Jung’s shadow side. It began when she realized that she was being confused online with Naomi Wolf, also an activist—but a climate crisis denier and prominent voice of the far right. Klein had briefly met Naomi Wolf when Naomi wolf was a prominent feminist scholar in the 90’s. Due to careless research discovered in a book that Wolf published, her credibility was damaged, and she lost recognition and prestige in the academic world. Wolf’s experience drew her into “the mirror world” where she regained prominence as a voice for the right. Because mix-ups can multiply online, Naomi Wolf’s words began to be attributed to Naomi Klein. They were both public figures, Jewish, and looked a bit alike. Due to algorithms, if someone typed Naomi in a google search, they would often end up at sites related to Naomi Wolf—many didn’t notice the mistake and attributed Wolf’s words to Klein. Klein began to get pushback on social media for statements that were not hers.

In exploring how all of this happened and the psychological impact it had upon her, Klein takes a deep dive into “the mirror world.” Her thoughtful analysis helped me understand the attraction that the far right has for a diverse group of followers. Klein also thought long and hard about how she herself might be contributing to the divisiveness so prevalent in society today. The book lead me to a deeper understanding of both my own personal internal dynamics and the external dynamics that perpetuate polarization. I appreciated the book because the more understanding I can gain, the better equipped I am to be part of solutions to some of the major problems we all face. Klein does an excellent job of untangling some of the extremely complex factors that are blocking the way to a brighter future.

The book is a page turner. Naomi Klein’s well thought out analysis, writing style and personal anecdotes make reading about very painful topics bearable. I’m far less confused than I was before I read Klein’s book. While today’s problems are overwhelming, I found Doppelganger an ultimately hopeful read.

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